更新时间:2019-12-03 08:01:08
试题 1
Dialogue One
Manager: When are you gonna take your vacation?
Woman: _ 1 C. I was planning to take it at the end of this month. My husband and I haven't had a chance to have a vacation over the past three years. So we areplanning to travelto Europe this time. Why? 2 D. Has something come up?
Manager: Well, would it be too inconvenient for you to wait until next month?
Woman: Hm....not really. 3 A. I guess I can put it off until next month, but I've got to talk about it with my husband.
Manager: 4 B. Thank you very much. . I really appreciate your being so flexible.
Dialogue Two
Speaker A: Why weren't you at school yesterday?
Speaker B: 5 C. I wasn't really feeling well.
Speaker A: What was wrong with you?
Speaker B: My stomach was upset.
Speaker A: Do you feel better now?
Speaker B: 6 B. I dodt really feel too well yet.
Speaker A: Do you want anything to make you feel better?
Speaker B: No, thanks. 7 A. I already took some medicine.
Speaker A: I hope you feel better.
Speaker B: Thank you. D. Yes. I'm as good as an ox now.
Dialogue Three
Teacher: Tom, you're banging the table. It looks like you're angry.
Boy: 8 D. I'vc looked everywhere.
But I can't find the red block (积木) .
Teacher: Let me see. I can tell when I'm getting angry because my face feels hot and my heart beats faster. Did you feel anything like that when you banged the table just now?
Boy: Yes, I think so.
Teacher: _ 9 AThink about it.
What else could you have done ifyou couldn't find the block?
Boy: Mmm... 10 C. Ask you for help. 0r find something else to play with.
Teacher: That's great, Tom. B. It must feeJ good.
Passage One
One cowardly person came to a master ofmartial arts (武术) to leam bravery. The master looked at him and said:
"The thing is," the ruaster smiled, <;that cowardice is only a habit. And by doing the things that scare us, we can c~estroy镪e stereotypes. And now you know that bravery is the same habit. To make it a part of yourself, you need to move forward into the fear. And then the fear will ret'reat, and bravery will take its place."
11. Wyhat task did the master askihe person to finish? C. To tell strangers about his own weakness.
12. What did the person think ofthe task? B. Ratherdifficult.
13. What does Paragraph 4 mainly describe? C. The changes experienced by the person.
14.W}len the person came back to the master, _ C. he was no longer cowardly
15. in the last paragraph the master explains A. why cowardice can change into bravery
Passage Two
My father had a small business, employing a~:,out 15 people at any given tune. We sold all sorts of dairy prc~c~ucts, and many more, from a small store in front of the dairy building. During the summer months, rows of eager tourists
21. We can infer from the passage that sale of"The Dog Translator" in Japan _ B. was quite successful
22. "The Dog Translator" -* D. is quite simple and easy to use
23. What will the author's dog Murphy do at the kitchen door to remind them ofher dinner? A. She will give one bark.
24. What does the phrase "in a row" in paragraph 3 mean? C. One after another.
25. The author seems to think that "The Dog Translator" is B. popular but useless
Passage Four
Running late again, I rushed into the Cub Scouts parents' meeting, noting the surplus of empty chairs. At least, Iwasn't tl,e only one running behind, I told myself with great relief.
As I watched them, I thought of the empty chairs at that meeting and those who would never know this joy. After all, I gave those boys onlyone hour of my time every week, but they rewarded me with their hearts.
26. It is clear that the Cubmaster D. was disappointed with the situation
27. The author began to feel guilty when B. the master talked about the problem
28. It can be learned that the author _ C. was willing to take the challenge
29. At first the author considered spending time with children _ C. difficult but worthy
30. The last paragraph is mainly written to D. show that our efforts on children are rewarding
Part III Vocabulary and Structure (10 points)
31. America's emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research. A .encouraged
32. Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her coverage of significant events during the Second World War. C.reportage.
33. Below 600 feet ocean waters range from dimly lit to completely dark. C. faintly
34. "I'm not meddling," Mary said mildly. "I'mjust curious. "A.gently
35, In 1861 it seemed inevitable that the southem states would break away from the Union. B. certain
36. Many of novelist Carson McCullers' characters are isolated, disappointed people. A.solitary
37. The workers finally called off the strike.C .cancelled
38. The stories of Sarah Orne Jewett are considered by many to be more authentically regional than those of Bret Harte. B. genuinely
39. The number ofthe United States citizens who are eligible to vote continues to increase. D. entitled
40. Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine asserted that the Americas were no longer open to European colonization A .stated firmly
Part IV Cloze (10 points)
Mystery novels sell thousands of copies each year. And many _51 B. readers count Agatha Christie among their favoriteauthors. Christie was born in September 52 A. of 1890 in England. When she was 53 C. growing up, her mother often told her stories. Christie loved these 54 B. stories that took her into a world of fantasy. Christie's mother also encouraged her to write froma 55 A. young age.
At 16, Christie went to a school in Paris to study piano and singing. She learned to play the piano very well. But she 56 D. never made music a career because ofstage fright.
At 22, she fellin love with Archie Christie. They 57 C. got married in 1914 at the beginning ofWorld War I. During
the war, Christie wrote her first detective story: The M.ysterious Ajfair at Styles. She chose the crime, and then _58 C. invented a detective named Hercule Poirot to solve it. She sent the book to a publisher, 59 A. but it was rejected.
After the war ended, CMstie sent her book to more publishers and finally in 1920, one 60 D. Published it. She earned just ~25 for it. Over the next few years, Christie wrote more books and short stories, gaining experience as a writer.
Part V Translation (15 points)
Most people do not equate wealth with a big house or yacht(游艇).In fact, only 7% ofpeople surveyed associate
six-figure yearly income would make them feel rich. Yet most people who are rich don't even consider theruselves rich.
Part VI Writing (15 points)
Do You Think Awards and Prizes can Serve a Useful Purpose?
A prize or reward, whether it's the Nobel Prize, the Academy Award, or the best handwriting Award in an elementary school, is important. They can serve a useful purpose, because they can have economic, personal, an dsocial effects that enrich the iife Of the winners.
Prizes like the Nobel Prize are cash award. The winners are encouraged financially. They can use the money toimp rove their living and working conditions, and as we know that many of the winners use the money for their further research and studies. An award, like the Academy Award, gives people honors. This is also an encouragement tothe recipients. For example, an actress who wins best actress with the Academy Award will be offered more roles and a higher pay than actresses who don't win. Even an elementary school boy who received the school's Best Handwriting Award will be proud of himself and may get a congratulation gift from his parents or grandparents.
The personal benefits of receiving any reward are evident. Any award winner is pleased because he or she has been recognized as success fulin his or her work That's why when many people receive the Academy Award, they of ien cry because of happiness. So we can say that awards and prizes serve a very useful purpose in encouraging people to work harder and to be more successful.